Chapter I : Principles of Creativity
Some Basic Considerations
The biological Organism and the Machine. David Hume's Objections
Apparent Exceptions to Section I
Time, Creativity and the Evolution of Machine Structure
Infinite Time and infinite Quanta of Information. Inorganic Matter
The Hybridization of lnfonnation with Maller and its Connection with the Definition of lhe Term MMiracle"
Chapter II : Primary and Secondary Information and Its Sources. The Origin and Development of the von Neumann Machine excluding Conciousness
Theoretical Considerations
Actual and Potential Information
Some Further Details on the Actual Information required for the Synthesis of von Neumann Machines
The van Neumann Machine and the Phenomenon of Consciousness
Accounting for the Origin of lnfom1ation - Coupled with Dimension Theory
Chapter Ill : Materialism and Its Relationship to Information
Materialism and Positivism
Scientific and dialeclical Malerlalism
Communism and posllivisllc Ideology
The EffecUveness of polilical Dialeclic and of Nalural Selection
Chapter IV : Materialism In the Light of Modern Physical Research
Factors which have led to the Abdication of Scientific Materialism
Recent Developments in Astronomy and the Validity of Scientific Materialism
Light Refraction and Gravitation
Chapter V: Evolutionary Theory, Abiogenesis and Evolutive Speciation
The Irrelevance and Impotence of Evolutionary Theory in Matters of Experimental Abiogenesis
Attempts at the Synthesis of Life in vitro
The Arthur Kornberg and the Sol Spiegelman Syntheses
PART ill
Chapter VI : The Origin of the Genetic Code: an Alternative View
The Nature of U1e Genetic Code
Carl Sagan's and olhers' Views on Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence, its Falsification or Verification
ETI and its Verification: its Consequences for Darwinian Theory
Chapter VII : Origin and Function of Information in Abiogenesis and Evolutive Speciatlon: Ancient and Modern Wisdom on the Six Days of Creation and the Age of the Earth
Information Theory as the Decisive Factor Negating the Danvinian Evolutionary Concept but Suggesting a Scientific Alternative
The Alchemists and Their Investigations
Hindrances Standing in the way of Lhe Development of New Theories of Abiogenesis and of Evolulive Specialion Ancient and Modern Wisdom Concerning the Six Days of Creation
Mechanisms of Transfer of Factor WI at the Hybridization with Matter in Biology and Their Relationship to "t"
The Age of the Universe, the Solar System and the Earth
Chapter VIII : Materialism In the Light of an Analogy and some Practical Examples
Flatland and its Environment
A Disquieting Event in Flatland
Dr. Albertus Zweisteinus' Visit and Verdict on the Recent Happenings in Flatland
Dr. Albertus Zweisteinus' Views on the Nature of Dimensions and Reality
Some Purely Theological Consequences of Dr. Zweisteinus·Conjurations
Addendum" data-next-head="">